Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Week 3 - Oprah's Show on Puppy Mills

So I have a dog and this is probably one of the most heart wrenching and emotional things I have seen in regards to animal cruelty. I have been subject to watching some really messed up stuff in regards to animal cruelty but because I saw this happening to a dog I couldn't believe it. It's just like when you told us the story of abuse to a dog and then later told us it was a pig. Just because I have a person connection with the animal makes the horrible treatment towards the animal 10xs worse.

Lisa Ling was the investigative journalist for Oprah and she went into a number of puppy mills with a hidden camera. According to the Humane Society of the United States there are as many of 10,000 puppy mills all across the United States. These puppy mills breed thorough breds by the dozens -- sometimes even hundred. They treat them like they were some sort of produce. Some of these dogs don't even get to see the outsides of their cages. Some are kept in their cages for up to 8 years and then shot and killed because the breeder no longer has any use for it.

One of the men that Lisa Ling was with said that he picked up a dog that did not know how to walk to his car. The dog was picked up from a puppy mill whose owner was going to shoot him unless the man came to pick the dog up within 45 minutes. The man says these breeders most often want to get rid of older females and younger males. Breeders only need one or two male dogs to breed with every 20 fertile females, so young female dogs are valuable in puppy mills.

For these breeders the dogs don't mean anything. They aren't their friends, they aren't considered family, as most dog owners consider their dogs, they are merely a piece of merchandise for the breeder. Many of these dogs don't even have a name -- it's really heartbreaking.

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